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2007 Top Ten Latin American News

Fecha:2008/01/20 Autor:
     In December 2007, the ILAS of CASS held a vote to choose the top ten Latin American and the Caribbean news in 2007. After one month, the result was announced officially on January 15, 2008. The top ten Latin American news is as follows:
     1. On March 8-14, American President Bush visited the following five countries in Latin America: Brazil, Uruguay, Columbia, Guatemala and Mexico. The purpose of his trip is to promote the so-called “Cause of social justice in the Western Hemisphere” so as to calm down the resentments and criticisms of American government’s overlooking Latin America. 
     2.  The first Summit Conference on South American Energy Resource was held in Venezuela on April 16 -17. The presidents and representatives in the twelve countries in South America attended this conference. At the conference, the name of South American Community of Nations was changed into South American Union of Nations.
     3. On June 1, Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Yang Jiechi and Costa Rica's Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Stagno Ugarte signed a joint communiqué about establishing the diplomatic relations between China and Costa Rica.
     4. The Agreement of establishing Bank of the South was passed officially on October 8 at the Council of Ministers of Finance of South America held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
     5. On October 11, Ecuador applied formally for rejoining in Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). On October 23, Ecuador was re-accepted officially and returned to OPEC.
     6. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the wife of Argentina's president, Nestor Kirchner, has become the first woman to be elected president in Argentina's history.  Mrs. Kirchner is the second woman to be elected leader of a South American nation in two years, after Michelle Bachelet, who became Chile's president last year. Cristina Fernandez took the oath of office as Argentina's new president at the Congress in Buenos Aires on Dec. 10, 2007.
     7. On Nov 8-10, 2007, the 17th Ibero-American Summit was held in Santiago, Chile. The top agenda is “the social cohesion and social policies: to realize a more accommodating Iberia society”. “Declaration of Santiago” was passed.
     8. In November, the state-run oil firm in Brazil announced the discovery of a deep-water exploration area in Atlantic Ocean. It could contain as much as 5 to 8 billion barrels of oil, an amount that would nearly make the offshore bloc the world's third-largest known oil and gas reserve.
     9.  On December 2, a Venezuelan referendum on 69 amendments of the Constitution was held in Venezuela. However, the amendments proposed by President Chavez were not approved and the voters narrowly rejected the sweeping constitutional reforms by 51 percent to 49 percent.
     10. According to the statistics of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the rate of economic growth in Latin America in 2007 is 5.6 percent which means that the economic growth in Latin America has continually sustained during the last five years.

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Derecho reservado: Instituto de América Latina,Academia de China de Ciencias Sociales.

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