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International Seminar on “Pension Systems of China and Latin America & the Caribbean”
Fecha:2010/07/29 Autor: This seminar was jointly organized by Institute of Latin America Studies (ILAS), the CASS Centre for International Social Security Studies (CISS) and Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentarina (BBVA).

the Opening Ceremony
This seminar brought together all kinds of researchers and experts in the pension field. Presenters included researchers from famous universities and research institutes, representatives of pension businesses from both domestic banks, insurance companies and BBVA, as well as several government officials. Faculties and graduate students from graduate school of CASS and some universities, and journalists from more than 20 media also attended all the sessions and participated in the discussions that followed the presentations.
Chen Jiagui, as the acting chairman of presidium of CASS divisions and former vice president of CASS, gave the opening remarks. He confirmed that the Latin American and China’s pension reforms had gained great achievements, but he also mentioned that there were still a lot of problems both in Latin American and china’s pension systems. At last, he expressed his hope that CASS,serving as the think tank of the government,should strengthen its cooperation with BBVA, relevant government agencies, investment institutions, universities and research institutes in the field of social security and pension funds, aiming at promoting the development of China's pension system.

Chen Jiagui, the acting chairman of presidium of CASS divisions
This seminar was consisted of four sessions. Each was respectively devoted to “Macroeconomic and Social Security”, “Pension Policy and Capital Market”, “Pension Reform: Achievements and Prospects”, and “Pension Investment and Market Opportunity” . All presenters gave excellent speeches and the discussion at the end of every session was also heated.
Zheng Bingwen, the director general of ILAS and CISS, gave the closing remarks. He emphasized that this seminar was constructive to enhance Sino-Latin American academic exchanges. He said that experiences and lessons from Latin American pension reforms could provide China's pension reform some valuable references. He also said that this seminar could make its contribution to the implement and realization of the 2020 full coverage goal of China's social security, which was proposed by the seventeenth national congress of the communist party of China.

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Derecho reservado: Instituto de América Latina,Academia de China de Ciencias Sociales.
Apoyo técnico: Corporación Tecnológica Internet Haishijingwei de Beijing S.A.
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