No.2, 2010
International Academic Forum: Latin America and the Caribbean in 2009-2010
Attaining Global Economic Balance by Innovation in Post-Crisis Time (Cheng Siwei)
Development based on Innovation in Post-Crisis Time (Li Yang)
Corruption and Governability in Latin America
(Liu Jixin)

The Politico-Economic Transition and Governability in Mexico
(Yuan Dongzhen)

An Analysis of the Governability Crisis in Argentina
(Guo Cunhai)

Faction Conflicts and the Military Regime in Brazil
(Dong Jingsheng)

The Transition of PRI’s Political Strategy under President Salinas (Zhang Wei)
The Anti-American Tide in Latin America 1958-1960 and the U.S. Strategy ( Liang Zhi)
Real War in Mexico: How Democracy Can Defeat the Drug Cartels (Shannon O'Neil)
Book Review
The World Modernization Process (Part of Latin America and the Caribbean) (ed. by Han Qi) Dong Jingsheng
Academic Activities
International Academic Forum: Latin America and the Caribbean in 2009-2010 (Zhang Yong)
Publishing Ceremony of La Compleja Muerte del Neoliberalismo (Chinese Edition) & the Seminar on Neo-Liberalism held at ILAS (Qi Chuanjun)
IOA President Jeffrey Davidow Addresses ILAS on President Obama’s Policy in Latin America (Sun Hongbo)