NO.1, 2013
Vol. 35 No.1 Feb.2013
Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Review of 2012 and Prospects for 2013
Zhang Hulling 3
Microfinance in Latin America: Credit Subjects, Goals and the Model
Chaff Yu, Qiao Lirong 7
Comparative Advantage, Competitive Advantage and Industrial Policy: A Study of Chilean Experiences
Jin Ping, Liu Yan 14
Strategic Opportunities in the Latin American Insurance Industry: An Analysis Based on the Diamond Model
Chen Bei 21
Peasant in Economic Modernization: An Analysis of the Puebla-Panama Plan in Mexico
Xu Wenli 27
Railway Construction in Peru in the 19th Century: Rise, Decline and Lessons
Ren Kejia 32
Pacific Alliance in Latin America and its Geographical Effect
He Shuangrong 37
Brazilian-Russian Relations: Characteristics and Challenges
Zhou Zhiwei 44
Venezuela's Entry into the Southern Common Market and its Significance
Zhao Chongyang 50
Peace Process in Columbia: Challenges and Prospect
Qian Erqiang 54
China's Digital Television Broadcasting Standard in Cuba: A New Path for Exporting China's Technical Standard Heng Hong, He Lifeng, Song Jian 59
Latin America's Indigenous Communication in the Context of Globalization
Li Han 65
Emilio Zapata en e1 Pensamiento Latinoamericano
Adalberto Santana 69
Academic Activities
Seminar on the Situationof Latin America and the Caribbean in 2012
Wei Ran 77
Top Ten News in Latin America and the Caribbean 2012 49