No.4, 2005
Lessons and Experiences of the Party Construction of the Ruling Parties in the World (Wang Liqiang, Zheng Bingwen, Li Qian, Wu Guoping, Xie Wenze)
Special Issue: Brazil's Position in the World and Its Regional Power Diplomacy
U.N. Reforms and the Issue of Brazil's Permanent Membership in the Security Council (He Shuangrong)
Brazil's Regional Power Position and Its Internal Constraints (Zhou Zhiwei)
The Rise of Brazil and Its Impact on the World Order (Feng Feng)
Comparing the Competitiveness of the Textile Industries in China and Latin America (Song Xiaoping, Cao Nan)
Characteristics and Experiences of Chiles' Economic and Social Transformation (Han Qi)
Chile Solidario: New Efforts to Tackle the Poverty Issue (Cao Shuqin)
An Analysis of the Efficiency of Chile's Financial System Since the 1990s (Zhang Rong)
Effectiveness of Industrial Development in Brazil’s Backward Regions (Zhu Xinmin)
Report on the Progress of Researches on Latin American Politics by ILAS Scholars (Liu Jixin)
Fidel Castro's Views on Globalization (Liu Jinyuan, Pan Meijuan)
A Brief Introduction to Lopez Obrador: Mayor of Mexico City and Presidential Candidate (Wang Peng)
"Latin Americanization" Is Not a Proper Academic Word (Zhang Jiazhe)
Las Perspectivas de las Relaciones de Chile y la República Popular China en el Marco de la Política Exterior China hacia la Cuenca del Pacífico (Martín Pérez Le-Fort)